Migrant families between Africa and Europe: Comparing Ghanaian, Congolese and Senegalese migration flows

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1 janvier 2018



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Valentina Mazzucato et al., « Migrant families between Africa and Europe: Comparing Ghanaian, Congolese and Senegalese migration flows », Archined : l'archive ouverte de l'INED, ID : 10.1007/978-3-319-69569-3_6


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This chapter provides a descriptive and comparative analysis of transnational families with members located in Africa and Europe. By comparing both countries of origin and destination, differences in family arrangements are found among Ghana, Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as within these groups depending on the European destination countries. Findings show that families in origin countries and migrants overseas maintain active relationships through remittance sending and receiving, contact via telephone and visits. This involves nuclear as well as extended family members. Transnational family forms are most commonly associated with dates of arrival and legal status of migrants overseas. Furthermore, family and gender norms at origin, migration motivations, destination country family reunification and migration policies, and destination country characteristics related to language, employment opportunities and educational system help to explain the differences found in the prevalence of transnational families in the different countries studied.

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