Topology predicts long-term functional outcome in early psychosis.

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M. Fournier et al., « Topology predicts long-term functional outcome in early psychosis. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1038/s41380-020-0826-1


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Early intervention in psychosis is crucial to improving patient response to treatment and the functional deficits that critically affect their long-term quality of life. Stratification tools are needed to personalize functional deficit prevention strategies at an early stage. In the present study, we applied topological tools to analyze symptoms of early psychosis patients, and detected a clear stratification of the cohort into three groups. One of the groups had a significantly better psychosocial outcome than the others after a 3-year clinical follow-up. This group was characterized by a metabolic profile indicative of an activated antioxidant response, while that of the groups with poorer outcome was indicative of oxidative stress. We replicated in a second cohort the finding that the three distinct clinical profiles at baseline were associated with distinct outcomes at follow-up, thus validating the predictive value of this new stratification. This approach could assist in personalizing treatment strategies.

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