Code from Structure of multilocus genetic diversity in predominantly selfing populations

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8 janvier 2019

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Margaux Jullien et al., « Code from Structure of multilocus genetic diversity in predominantly selfing populations », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.15454/VYPXIJ


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We provide here scripts allowing forward simulations of temporal samples in several demographic scenarios using SLiM 2.6, and converting the output into microsatellite data following the stepwise mutation model. The demographic scenarios simulated are: - isolated population of constant demographic size (; - isolated population undergoing bottlenecks (; - population of constant demographic size in an island model of migration (; - population in an island model undergoing admixture or extinction-recolonization events ( R scripts to convert SLiM output into microsatellite data (readCustomSlimOutput.R and slim2microsat.R), as well as scripts to perform diversity analyses (DivStats.R, percentLD.R and MLGFS.R) are also provided. A readme file describing the details of each script is provided.

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