Code for the article "An epi-evolutionary model to predict spore-producing pathogens adaptation to quantitative resistance in heterogeneous environments" by F. Fabre, J.-B. Burie, A. Ducrot, S. Lion, Q. Richard and R. Djidjou-Demasse

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25 septembre 2018

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Frederic Fabre, « Code for the article "An epi-evolutionary model to predict spore-producing pathogens adaptation to quantitative resistance in heterogeneous environments" by F. Fabre, J.-B. Burie, A. Ducrot, S. Lion, Q. Richard and R. Djidjou-Demasse », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.15454/WAEIMA


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MATLAB codes for reproducing the simulations and main figures described in Fabre et al. 2022. An epi-evolutionary model for predicting the adaptation of spore-producing pathogens to quantitative resistance in heterogeneous. Evolutionary Applications, 15(1), 95-110.

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