Le développement sans travail. Constat d'une opposition entre les expériences européenne et thaïlandaise

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Murielle Decellas et al., « Le développement sans travail. Constat d'une opposition entre les expériences européenne et thaïlandaise », Aséanie, Sciences humaines en Asie du Sud-Est, ID : 10.3406/asean.1998.1598


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While the labor concept has been decisive in the industrialization process as it occurred in Western countries, this must not lead to the conclusion that the existence of this concept is a necessary condition for industrialization. The present article aims to show that the lack of social values related to labor doesn't hamper the industrialization process and that the latter, on the contrary, can be based on political and religious traditions. To this end, Thailand seems to be a good example. Based on a comparison between Europe and Thailand, the analysis tries to bring out the origin and singularities of Thai values in order to measure to which extent Thai economic characteristics and performances are rooted in some singular social values.

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