L'évolution en mosaïque. Les changements à l'Épipaléolithique (« Mésolithique »)

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Jean-Georges Rozoy, « L'évolution en mosaïque. Les changements à l'Épipaléolithique (« Mésolithique ») », Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, ID : 10.3406/bspf.1992.9490


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A continuous temporal mosaic was demonstrated by J. and N. Chavaillon for 1.6 million Acheulian years. The same structure was also found independently for the 6 000 Epipaleolithic years: each element evolved separately, their changes were not simultaneous, therefore evolution was continuous. Geographically, the changes in the Epipaleolithic were correlative with the limits of the groups, which makes their cohesion believable: though these changes were independent on a larger scale, each group operating in its own way and in its own time. The common tool kits are more indicative for territories, microliths of time, because the latter spread around the places where they were invented. The territories occupied by the tribes of bowmen are indicated by the geographical concentration [or] grouping of typological stylistic elements. Their continuous temporal evolution in a mosaic-like way shows continuity and regularity in evolution. Its causes are internal to our species, whose capacity for inventing allows better and better adaptation to permanent environmental pressures.

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