La maison en ciment armé de François Hennebique à Bourg-la-Reine

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Gwenaël Delhumeau, « La maison en ciment armé de François Hennebique à Bourg-la-Reine », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.1990.2387


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The reinforced concrete house by François Hennebique in Bourg-la-Reine. The Hennebique firm was at the beginning of the century the most important of French firms specialized in reinforced concrete building. After having achieved the building of the rue Danton in Paris, for the plans of which he asked the architect Arnaud, François Hennebique, his owner, built himself, from 1901 to 1903, a villa in Bourg-la-Reine. This villa, the aspect of which is entirely new, demonstrates the possibilities offered by the reinforced concrete in all its forms ; but it constitutes also an exceptional success by the laying-out of the exterior and the conception of the inner spaces. A manifest of the new material, a real work of propaganda, it is also the fruit of an elaborate reflexion on the problems of living conditions.

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