Une série de bas-reliefs en cuivre d’après des gravures de Goltzius

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François Le Boeuf et al., « Une série de bas-reliefs en cuivre d’après des gravures de Goltzius », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.1999.2864


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A series of copper bas-reliefs after Goltzius’ etchings. This study is devoted to a series of 14 repoussé copper bas-reliefs (as attested by the analysis of the reverses) in Saint Thomas church in La Flèche, dating back to the first half of the 17th century, examined by the National Survey Service in the Pays de la Loire. The identification of the engraved source : a series of the Apostles with Saint Paul and Christ, carried out by Goltzius in 1589, allowed the replacing of this work in its context, and its inclusion in a series of works — shortly described here — executed after this artist. Furthermore, this study endeavours to show how the artist achieved the transposition of the engravings, in a material relatively seldom found in the works inspired by Goltzius, and in a different format, since one passes from a vertical to a horizontal composition.

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