Le phénomène de la « guise » bretonne : l’exemple bigouden

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Dress Costume Clothes

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Aude Le Guennec, « Le phénomène de la « guise » bretonne : l’exemple bigouden », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.2001.2930


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Up to the 1950’s, Brittany was divided into parishes, each of them being characterised by its own dress style. These fashions, geographically confined, are known as «guises ». The Bigouden group, according to the interest it aroused, is the one whose stylistic characteristics are most easily distinguished. Its example underlines the link between the model and its adjustment to individual demands. One can see, as far as the Bigouden guise is concerned, subtle dress variations according to the social position of the wearer, which break with supposed uniformity. The study of Breton guises highlights the complexity of dress display at the heart of the social phenomena.

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