La politique culturelle en Espagne : évolution et enjeux

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Résumé Fr

Until the 20th century, one cannot consider that a real cultural policy exists in Spain. However, the spirit of the Lights of the 18h century has made possible a timid public intervention with the creation of several collections and the support of Royal Academies. During the HP century, the governmental action focuses on the Heritage protection and on a rather weak education policy which did not succeed in alphabetising more than 30 % of the adult population. The 20th century is marked by a lagging implementation of modern cultural policies, by the mediocrity, the centralism and the cultural weakness of 40 years of dictatorship, and then by the constitution of a democratic State highly decentralized, integrated to the European Union. In this context, cultural action, competition and identities preservation are stongly connected. The lack of modernity of the policy modelas well as the lack of coherent priorities of intervention both explain the incapacity to face the contemporary social needs, and the decreasing influence of cultural policies, particularly vis-a-vis other social policies.

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