Diversité des antagonismes sociaux vers le milieu du XIXe siècle

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Remi Gossez, « Diversité des antagonismes sociaux vers le milieu du XIXe siècle », Revue économique, ID : 10.3406/reco.1956.407178


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SUMMARY Ii ve admit that antagonism may exist between diverse social catego ries we should not try to explain all by the bourgeoisie-proletariate duality although it may appear to be the determinative factor To choose the most characteristic example of this duality that history could offer the one of which experience was decisive in establishing the doctrine which owes crystallization to it the social aud professional composition of the individuals who participated in the insurrection of June 1848 holds certain surprise Let us first consider the barricade In the national guard were employers employees shopkeepers intellectuals members of the pro fessional classes but also many dependent workers In the mobile guard were young Parisian workers In the army was the young peasantry On the other hand the manual workers whether employers or employees mostly of provincial origin cani to Paris either to climb tiir social ladder or to excape from losing their six ial positions While professional agree ments based on wage determination have multiplied since February and iwhile employers have tried to free their workers who had been arrested violence has constantly dominated between renters and owners and con cerning the latter their testimony and denounciation were equivalent to condemnation Tlie struggle between workers uid shopkeepers the reci procal hostility between the city and country tlie conflict between different generations the tension between individuals as bet ween classes constituted many subjacent contradictions to the opposition between the bourgeoisie and the proletariate which took on character of declared antagonism in 1848 on the occasion of repression directed specially against the wage- earners who were doing manual labour

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