Articulation Recherche-Formation à partir d'une expérience dans le domaine de l'éducation physique et sportive dans l'académie de Grenoble

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Louis Laurin et al., « Articulation Recherche-Formation à partir d'une expérience dans le domaine de l'éducation physique et sportive dans l'académie de Grenoble », Recherche & formation, ID : 10.3406/refor.1987.907


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Teachers, instructors, researchers of the institute of teacher training at Grenoble are examing the connection between research and training : in what light is their relationship to be seen ? Is it a question of bringing together those elements of each which may be useful to the other, or merely of delimiting the space of their intersection ? For the authors of the article, and according to their experience of research and training, it is more a question of working for the link which at once unites and separates the two fields and to consider this link as an object of scientific study and practice in its own right, identifiable, in this respect, as an object of research. But, for this purpose, an effort of « critical distancing » is indispensable ; one still needs to define, to elaborate, to concretise.

Teachers, instructors, researchers of the institute of teacher training at Grenoble are examing the connection between research and training : in what light is their relationship to be seen ? Is it a question of bringing together those elements of each which may be useful to the other, or merely of delimiting the space of their intersection ? For the authors of the article, and according to their experience of research and training, it is more a question of working for the link which at once unites and separates the two fields and to consider this link as an object of scientific study and practice in its own right, identifiable, in this respect, as an object of research. But, for this purpose, an effort of « critical distancing » is indispensable ; one still needs to define, to elaborate, to concretise.

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