Various levels of context analysis in the ergonomic study of cooperative work

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Laurent Karsenty et al., « Various levels of context analysis in the ergonomic study of cooperative work », Réseaux. Communication - Technologie - Société, ID : 10.3406/reso.1998.3342


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Summary: This article proposes an examination of the different levels of intervention of the notion of context in the ergonomie analysis of work, and methodology for taking them into account, particularly in cooperative work. We successively discuss the perceptive, cognitive, communicational, organisational and cultural contexts which determine and give meaning to the activity of human operators. Each level of context is discussed from a theoretical point of view, and illustrated by case studies. We then propose a methodology for identifying the different determining contextual aspects in a work situation. The main principle in which this methodology is grounded is the analysis of activity. We conclude by proposing guidelines to facilitate the process ofcontextualisation in work. These proposals are illustrated by concrete examples of assistance in the taking into account of context.

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