Sympatrie des deux catégories d’orques dans le détroit de Johnstone, Colombie Britannique

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Christophe Guinet, « Sympatrie des deux catégories d’orques dans le détroit de Johnstone, Colombie Britannique », Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie) (documents), ID : 10.3406/revec.1990.1980


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«Transient» and «resident» pods of killer whales were studied from August 1985 to July 1986 in the Johnstone Strait area, British Columbia. The occurrence of the «resident» killer whales appears to be seasonal and closely linked to salmon runs from July to November. Quite the contrary, the «transient» killer whales occur year round along the coast feeding mostly on marine mammals. Different types and size of prey therefore appear to determine differences in social organisation and behaviour in killer whales, as in some others top predators. The present study suggests that the terms «Transient» and «Resident» are inaccurate and that new terms must be coined to distinguish the two types of killer whales, taking into account their behavioural ecology, especialy their feeding strategies and yearly patterns of movements.

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