Les enjeux politiques : Dix questions à Jack Lang

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Jack Lang, « Les enjeux politiques : Dix questions à Jack Lang », Revue française d'administration publique (documents), ID : 10.3406/rfap.1987.1867


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The Political Challenge - 10 Questions to Jack Lang. Socialist and former Minister of Culture, Jack Lang replies to 10 questions on subjects such as the role of the state and the public sector in broadcasting, public and private sector financing, the future of relations with the film industry and the impact of broadcasting on public opinion. He deplores the fall in programme quality and TV production crisis, and outlines the policy he would pursue if returned to office. Policy should separate programming and production from broadcasting, and promote a large number of small enterprises to ensure pluralism. Jack Lang feels the real power should be vested in artists and producers. He also opposes the growth of political advertising on TV because it gives an unfair advantage to certain parties.

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