Vers une intelligence économique transnationale ? La commission trilatérale

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Pierre Lépinasse, « Vers une intelligence économique transnationale ? La commission trilatérale », Revue Française d'Études Américaines, ID : 10.3406/rfea.1995.1570


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Created by David Rockefeller in 1973, the Trilateral Commission became famous through its report on the Crisis of Democracy in 1975 and when 26 of its members entered the Carter administration in 1977. It was accused of acting as an organisation aiming at the full control of the world for the profit of transnational corporations. But observers had lost sight of its parent think tanks : The Round Table, the Council on Foreign Affairs — which organized the new world order after 1945 — and the Bildeberg Club, all still « alive and going strong. » Much various intelligence is traded in its speeches, reports and talks during its separate and annual general meetings when the future is conjectured. Even if inside information may be used in advance by participants, a world government power must be looked for elsewhere (IMF, G7) ?

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