Le fonds slave de la Bibliothèque nationale universitaire de Strasbourg

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Strasbourg hosts France's second largest library, the Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire (BNU). Built by the Germans after the incorporation of Strasbourg and the Alsace area into the second Reich, the library welcomed books on Slavic topics and in Slavic languages from the very first days of its existence. The major part of this collection is composed of books in Russian and/or on Russia, dating from different periods, from the 18th to the 21st centuries. This impressive collection was built on donations, such as the donation by the German poet Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862) of his personnal collection of Russian books or, more recently, the donation of Sorbonne Professor Nicolas Weisbein' s personnal library. Nowadays, the collection keeps on growing, thanks to dynamic financing, as the library defined the enhancement of the Slavic collections as one of its top priorities.

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