De la trace hétérodoxe. Paléographie et histoire de l'hétérodoxie dans les travaux de Roger Gryson sur les scolies ariennes du concile d'Aquilée (381 )

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D'Haenens Albert, « De la trace hétérodoxe. Paléographie et histoire de l'hétérodoxie dans les travaux de Roger Gryson sur les scolies ariennes du concile d'Aquilée (381 ) », Revue Théologique de Louvain, ID : 10.3406/thlou.1981.1836


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For reasons ofhumanistic ideology and scient ific methodology, the historian must not allow himself to be reduced to being the historian only of dominant ideas and beliefs, but must also be concerned with those who are dominated and excluded — the heterodox, the «pagans» and the «laity». Thus, the historian must attempt to escape the confines set up by the dominating authorities which hâve systematically excluded from their domain ail those who hâve been rejected by them. The research which Roger Gryson has consecrated to the Arian scholia concer- ning the Council of Aquileia of 381 demands profound considération of this important question. His study advances bot h the knowledge ( Arianism in the West) and the methodology (research on the traces of heterodoxy ) of the history of hérésies. Gryson consulted the codicologist and paleographer Léon Gilissen. Because of this study, the letter has greatly refined his method of study of script while intégrât ing the concept o/ductus into his model of analysis.

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