La dernière étape du troisième voyage missionnaire de saint Paul selon les deux versions des Actes des Apôtres (21, 16-17)

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Édouard Delebecque, « La dernière étape du troisième voyage missionnaire de saint Paul selon les deux versions des Actes des Apôtres (21, 16-17) », Revue Théologique de Louvain, ID : 10.3406/thlou.1983.2003


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A confrontation of the normally accepted text of Acts 21, 16-17 with the probably posterior Western text shows the superiority of the latter through its modifications and significant additions. The Western text, which better explains the succession of events, seems to prove that Paul, with his companions - including Luke - made a hait between Caesaria and Jérusalem in the village of his former disciple, the Cypriot Mnason. The clear ability to recompose the phrases, making use of Lukan vocabulary, and the ease with which the best of the Greek language is used suggest that the author is Luke himself seeking to make his narrative more lively, more complète and more expressive. An additional note on the two following verses strengthens this impression.

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