German Politbarometer West, 2000

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The Politbarometer surveys are undertaken to assess the attitudes and opinions of eligible German voters on current events and problems, as well as on parties and politicians. The topics covered in the 2000 German Politbarometer West fall into two broad categories: (1) Topics consistently covered in the monthly West Politbarometer surveys in 2000 include: voting intention and party preference, voting behavior in the last federal parliamentary elections, sympathy scale for the parties, satisfaction with the achievements of the federal government, self-assessed position on a left-right political continuum, assessment of the economic situation in the Federal Republic (and anticipated further development) and the respondent's own economic situation (and expected development). (2) Topics covered in at least one month during the survey year include: satisfaction with democracy, activities of the federal government and opposition parties, the competence of the government and opposition parties, attitudes toward political coalitions, assessment of the most important political personalities and candidates for election in the Federal Republic, interest in politics, attitudes toward events surrounding the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, evaluation of the efforts of the federal government toward the adjustment of living conditions between the eastern and western portions of the country, attitudes toward one's personal economic situation, social security, and personal liberties, comparison of the social conditions of Germany with those of neighboring West European countries, attitudes toward pensions, life insurance, and other forms of investments, feelings about the proposed extension of the European Union, attitudes toward restrictions in relations with Austria, opinions on right-wing radicalism, nuclear power, the consumption of meat, and immigration, opinions toward various political parties, including the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Freie Demokratische Partei or Liberal Democratic Party (FDP), the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands or Social Democratic Party (SPD), and the Green Party. Demographic information on respondents includes sex, age, marital status, household size and composition, education, occupation and employment status, religious preference, and trade union membership. This list of topics was derived from the summary appearing on the Web site of the Zentralarchiv fur Empirische Sozialforschung an der Universitat zu Cologne (English translation) at:

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