Carnegie Commission National Survey of Higher Education: Graduate Study Subsample, 1969

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16 février 1992


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Everett Ladd et al., « Carnegie Commission National Survey of Higher Education: Graduate Study Subsample, 1969 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR07363.v1


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This study provides data obtained from one-fourth of a randomly drawn national sample of graduate students surveyed under the sponsorship of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (see CARNEGIE COMMISSION NATIONAL SURVEY OF HIGHER EDUCATION: GRADUATE STUDY, 1969 [ICPSR 7502]). The original data were collected at the Survey Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, while the subsample was provided by the Social Science Data Center at the University of Connecticut. Questions elicited information regarding respondents' social and educational backgrounds, their degree and career plans, and their opinions on their institutions and departments, educational policy in general, and a wide range of social and political issues. Demographic variables cover age, sex, race, religion, marital status, family income, citizenship, and parents' levels of education and occupations.

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