CBS News/60 Minutes/Vanity Fair National Poll, December #1, 2012

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This poll, the first of two fielded December 2012, is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicits public opinion on a range of political and social issues. Respondents were asked how well Barack Obama was handling the presidency on issues such as foreign policy, the economy, terrorism, taxes, and the budget deficit. Opinions were collected on the progress of the economy, the job market, the performance of Congress, feelings toward Washington, and whether the country was heading in the right direction. The respondents were also asked for their opinions of the Republican and Democratic parties, Barack Obama, John Boehner, Hillary Clinton, and the difficulty in reaching agreements and passing legislation in Congress. Data were collected on tax increases and spending cuts, expectations of the negotiations between the two parties, the preferred plan for reducing the budget deficit, and whether the respondents approved of Congress raising the federal debt ceiling. Respondents were also asked their views about illegal immigrants, ongoing violence in Syria, gun control laws, the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and safety of schools, holiday shopping, and New Year's Eve plans. Additional topics included the worst date movie, the least interesting movie, the most difficult job in Hollywood, expected changes to the Oscars broadcast, quintessential actor and actress, and preference of a great movie over a powerful documentary. Demographic information includes sex, age, race, marital status, education level, household income, religious preference, type of residential area (e.g., urban or rural), political party affiliation, political philosophy, voting behavior, whether respondents were registered to vote, and whether respondents thought of themselves as born-again Christians.

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