sisinflab: an ensemble of supervised and unsupervised strategies for the NEEL-IT challenge at Evalita 2016

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28 août 2017


OpenEdition Books



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Vittoria Cozza et al., « sisinflab: an ensemble of supervised and unsupervised strategies for the NEEL-IT challenge at Evalita 2016 », Accademia University Press, ID : 10.4000/books.aaccademia.1952


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This work presents the solution adopted by the sisinflab team to solve the task NEEL-IT (Named Entity rEcognition and Linking in Italian Tweets) at the Evalita 2016 challenge. The task consists in the annotation of each named entity mention in a Twitter message written in Italian, among characters, events, people, locations, organizations, products and things and the eventual linking when a corresponding entity is found in a knowledge base (e.g. DBpedia). We faced the challenge through an approach that combines unsupervised methods, such as DBpedia Spotlight and word embeddings, and supervised techniques such as a CRF classifier and a Deep learning classifier.

Questo lavoro presenta la soluzione del team sisinflab al task NEEL-IT (Named Entity rEcognition and Linking in Italian Tweets) di Evalita 2016. Il task richiede il riconoscimento e l’annotazione del testo di un messaggio di Twitter in Italiano con entità nominate quali personaggi, eventi, persone, luoghi, organizzazioni, prodotti e cose e eventualmente l’associazione di queste entità con la corrispondente risorsa in una base di conoscenza quale, DBpedia. L’approccio proposto combina metodi non supervisionati quali DBpedia Spotlight e i word embeddings, e tecniche supervisionate basate su due classificatori di tipo CRF e Deep learning.

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