The Return of the Natives: Infernal Paradise in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Romesh Gunesekera’s Heaven’s Edge

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25 mars 2022


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Itineraries Travels Travel restrictions Journeys Voyages Legends and stories Novels Stories Hostilities Conflict, Armed (War) Wars Armed conflict (War) Fighting Trips around the world Voyages around the world--1981- Circumnavigation Travels Voyages around the world--1951-1980 Journeys Travel books Tours around the world Travels Voyages and travels--1951-1980 Journeys Travel books Voyages and travels--1981- Trips Violent behavior Tamils Tamili (Indic people) Tambul (Indic people) Tamal (Indic people) Tamalsan (Indic people) Survival skills Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc Endeavor Effort Sinhala (Sri Lankan people) Sinhalese Cingalese (Sri Lankan people) Singhalese (Sri Lankan people) Displaced persons Peacemaking Peace making Reconciliatory behavior Novels Fiction--Plots Dramatic plots Drama--Plot Scenarios Papers Nurture and nature Nature versus nurture Genetics and environment Nature--Nurture Environment Heredity and environment Myths World literature Western literature (Western countries) Belles-lettres Legislative acts Legislative enactments Acts, Legislative Enactments, Legislative Laws (Statutes) Land Land utilization Utilization of land Use of land Foreign-born population Foreign population Emigrants Foreigners Migrants Identity Novels Novellas (Short novels) Fiction--Philosophy Metafiction Stories Environment Ecological science Environmental biology Bionomics Ecological sciences Environment Balance of nature Oecology Biology--Ecology Ecological processes Obligation Deontology Dreaming Rights of man Basic rights Civil rights (International law) Human rights--Law and legislation Rights, Human Cicatrices Scar tissue Cicatrix Foreign population Resident aliens Aliens--Legal status, laws, etc Noncitizens Foreign residents Foreign citizens (Aliens) Foreigners Unnaturalized foreign residents Expatriates Enemy aliens Environment Displaced persons

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Pascal Zinck, « The Return of the Natives: Infernal Paradise in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Romesh Gunesekera’s Heaven’s Edge », Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, ID : 10.4000/books.pulm.10113


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This paper investigates the ideological tensions and ambiguities that are inherent in narratives of return. Unlike immigrants Kiran Desai’s Biju and Hamid Mohsin’s Changez who are beholden to myths of ‘Mother India’ / ‘Mother Pakistan’ as their dreams of El Dorado have drowned, Sri Lankan expatriates or refugees have a more ambivalent affiliation with their native country as they struggle with the scars of ethnic war between the Tamils and the Sinhalese. Both Michael Ondaatje and Romesh Gunesekera address the issues of identity, belonging and survival as their main protagonists return to their native land. In both novels, the narrators are marginalized as Westerners. Anil’s Ghost explores the tensions between Western human rights law or the duty to intervene and the Sri Lankan government’s efforts to derail all UN inquiries, which it regards as neo-colonial intrusions. In Heaven’s Edge, Marc’s (re) discovery of his roots is compromised by his touristic discourse. Both heterogeneous works resist pigeonholing along simplistic binaries that buttress communal violence. On their personal journeys the two narrators are changed as they relinquish their role as peripheral observers and engage with the victims. They encounter paradigms of regeneration through human agency and reconciliation with their environment and their past.

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