Regional geography goes serial – current trends in providing regional geography to the general public in Germany

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6 mai 2022

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Haik Thomas Porada, « Regional geography goes serial – current trends in providing regional geography to the general public in Germany », Revue de géographie historique, ID : 10.4000/geohist.4401


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Due to Germany’s structure as a union of federal states (the Länder), inventory projects to systematically collect and compile geographical information on a specific region have mostly been tied to the federal states or their political predecessors. Also within the academic tradition, Landeskunde or Regional Geography is a uniquely German concept. The independence of the German federal states in matters of culture and education results in great differences in the way that elements of cultural landscape are documented. These start with how the concept of cultural landscape (Kulturlandschaft) is defined and end with the organizational affiliation of the individual inventorying projects. For this reason, it is not only impossible to propose a thesis that would apply to the whole of Germany, comparisons are also difficult. Nevertheless, we will have a closer look at the origins of three inventorying projects in this paper.

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