Compte-rendu de la Journée d'étude « Le genre et la guerre : les femmes, la virilité et la violence »

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6 mai 2016

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Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski, « Compte-rendu de la Journée d'étude « Le genre et la guerre : les femmes, la virilité et la violence » », The Journal of power institutions in post-soviet societies, ID : 10.4000/pipss.4174


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The workshop organized by Brian Sandberg, University of Northern Illinois and IEA resident in Paris and by Marion Trévisi, University of Picardie at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (IEA) ment to challenge the notion that warfare is an intrinsically masculine domain. Although warfare has often been conceived of as an essentially masculine sphere of human activity, recent studies reveal that women have been much more intimately involved in military activities in the past. Women’s historians have examined emergence of female soldiers in modern armies, demonstrating the important roles that women played in combat, in army hospitals, in military logistical services, and on the home front etc. French and foreign researchers gathered to discuss and confront gender and war and reexamin gendered categories such as women in war, disciplined bodies, combat and gender, masculine honor, campaign communities, military masculinities, wartime labor, aggression and emotions, sexual culture, sexual violence, military prostitution, mass rape, and broken bodies.

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