Rhétorique du discours contre la superstition dans les “Pensées diverses sur la comète” de Pierre Bayle: astronomie et littératureau service de la raison

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2 février 2016

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Willaume Albertini Alexandra, « Rhétorique du discours contre la superstition dans les “Pensées diverses sur la comète” de Pierre Bayle: astronomie et littératureau service de la raison », Studi Francesi, ID : 10.4000/studifrancesi.1031


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In the historical context between the end of the Renaissance and the beginning of the Enlightenment the progress of the astronomic sciences is considerable, thanks to the development of the technical instruments used to observe the stars. The corollary is a resurgence of irrationalism through superstition, which becomes a way to understand the new cosmology when its global view stumbles between the Bible’s vision and heliocentrism. Pierre Bayle is a rationalist thinker who uses the critique of superstition about comets to promote the new knowledge with his Pensées diverses sur la comète (1683), though continuing to legitimate Christian faith. The interdisciplinary character of this work can be examined starting from the analysis of its construction, and its epistemological and religious context. Bayle’s method appears typical of those rationalist thinkers who are neither dogmatic nor atheist – in the broad sense of that time – nor extremely sceptical, and are aware of the new relationship between religion and science.

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