Data for: Investigating technology opportunities toward improved Colorado water monitoring: Insights from key informant interviews and stakeholder surveys

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24 mars 2023


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Melanie Holland et al., « Data for: Investigating technology opportunities toward improved Colorado water monitoring: Insights from key informant interviews and stakeholder surveys », QDR Main Collection, ID : 10.5064/F6TFIYHX


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Project Overview Prolonged drought conditions in the western United States have motivated an interest in improved water resource management. In the past two decades, Colorado has experienced decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures, causing persistent meteorological and agricultural drought. In times of limited water resources, more precise water accounting and water conservation are often required. We investigate technological and monitoring gaps in Colorado water resource management using a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach, including key informant interviews and a survey study. Qualitative analysis of informant feedback found that the most critical monitoring gaps for water managers in Colorado are: (1) streamflow forecasting and improved understanding of Colorado snowpack, (2) expanding groundwater and soil moisture monitoring, (3) wildfire impacts on watershed health, (4) improved accuracy and reliability of data sources, and (5) maintaining an emphasis on community collaboration. Challenges for Colorado managers varied by stakeholder basin and sector but included changes in hydrologic systems due to the effects of extended drought, climate change and related human use impacts and negative impacts of intensifying wildfire seasons on water quality and watershed health. Data Description and Collection Overview Twenty-eight informant interviews were conducted from September 2021 to February 2022 with a range of water managers and experts statewide, including state legislative representatives, indigenous community leaders, and agricultural producers. Key informants were selected based on their knowledge of issues relevant to the study, the sector or organization that they represent, and their contributions to Colorado water. Interviewee selection was initially purposive, with specific informants sought out based on the sector and basin that they represented and their prominence in the field. Subsequent informants were identified with a snowball sampling style, as informants connected our team to other experts in the field. Thirty-three individuals were asked to participate in interviews; five individuals either did not respond to the request or referred our team to a different expert. Interviews were conducted on an online video meeting platform or in person. Interviews lasted about 60 minutes and followed a semi-structured line of questioning that allowed for in-depth conversation, with occasional follow-up discussions when needed for additional information or clarity. Interviews were recorded and transcribed for the research team’s use with the consent of participants. Prevailing themes that arise from the interview process were used to create a survey tool. The survey was designed to further investigate topics frequently discussed in the informant interviews, and to gather specific information on the implementation of water management technologies and the use of water related data. A survey study was conducted to gather widespread information and perspectives on technology usage and data gaps in Colorado water management. The survey was designed in Qualtrics and disseminated to members of the Colorado Water Congress and affiliated organizations, including conservancy districts, irrigation districts, environmental organizations, and federal and state governmental agencies. The survey was sent directly to recipients via email; 95 individuals responded, generating a response rate of 34.8%. Selection and Organization of Shared Data The data deposit consists of summary survey results and illustrative excerpts of the coded qualitative data. Additional data files consist of the graphs of the survey results and frequency tables for key codes by sector and basin. No full transcripts or individual survey responses are shared since informed consent was not obtained for that purpose. The full survey and interview questionnaires are shared as documentation.

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