Impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la santé et le développement des jeunes en Suisse - Quel rôle pour les médecins ? [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent health and development: a role to play for physicians]

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20 janvier 2021

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P.A. Michaud et al., « Impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la santé et le développement des jeunes en Suisse - Quel rôle pour les médecins ? [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent health and development: a role to play for physicians] », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.53738/REVMED.2021.17.722.0150


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This article summarizes the conclusion of a two-days interprofessional online workshop held under the auspices of the Brocher Foundation. The objectives were to review the impact of COVID on adolescent health and development and to generate some key responses to the situation. The pandemic has severely affected the mental health of a large proportion of adolescents and has significantly reduced access to health care. It has as well disturbed the school education of vulnerable youngsters and decreased social contacts with adults and peers. In the future, authorities should better consider the rights of young people and request their opinion and participation in decision making. Physicians should systematically explore their young patients' opinions and queries regarding the COVID and address problematic situations such as family conflicts, misuse of internet or risky behaviour.

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