2022 BRISMES Annual Lecture "Feminist Dilemmas and Ambivalences: Gendered and queer perspectives on the Middle East", Professor Nadje Al-Ali — Online, 22 November 2022

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23 septembre 2022

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique, « 2022 BRISMES Annual Lecture "Feminist Dilemmas and Ambivalences: Gendered and queer perspectives on the Middle East", Professor Nadje Al-Ali — Online, 22 November 2022 », Bulletin électronique de l'Institut d'étude de l'islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (ISMM), ID : 10.58079/q2gf


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The BRISMES Annual Lecture provides an opportunity for members and non-members to hear from a distinguished scholar or expert within the field of Middle Eastern Studies and is a major event in the BRISMES calendar. The lecture is free to attend and open to all, but registration is essential. Date: 22 November 2022  Time: 17:30-19:00 (GMT) Location: Online Register to attend   Nadje Al-Ali is Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at Brown, where she is also Robert Family Profes...

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