Women's and Men's Education and Partnership Formation: Does the Field of Education Matter?

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21 avril 2020

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Teresa Martín García et al., « Women's and Men's Education and Partnership Formation: Does the Field of Education Matter? », Digital.CSIC (SHS), ID : 10.1093/esr/jcx047


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Using data from the Generation and Gender Survey, this study explores the effect of field of education on first union formation for women and men born since the 1960s in Norway, Austria, Belgium, and Poland. Educational attainment is known to influence differently the union patterns of men and women. These differences in partnership formation have been traditionally explained using the economic interpretation of education. We suggest that looking at fields of study may yield additional insights and offer a more comprehensive picture for understanding union entry patterns. The analysis focusses on the effect of three dimensions of education¿educational level, enrolment, and field¿on first union entry and union type. We find that educational field is important not only as a control variable that helps add nuance to the relation between educational level and family formation, but also in and of itself. The findings suggest that the field of study reflects unobserved value orientations but also different degrees of opportunities in the labour market.

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