A note on ELECTRE TRI-nB with few limiting profiles

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17 juin 2021

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Denis Bouyssou et al., « A note on ELECTRE TRI-nB with few limiting profiles », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1007/s10288-021-00485-y


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ELECTRE TRI-nB is a method designed to sort alternatives evaluated on several attributes among ordered categories. It is an extension of ELEC-TRE TRI-B that uses several limiting profiles, instead of one, to delimit each category. In a companion paper we have characterized the partitions that can be obtained with ELECTRE TRI-nB, using a simple axiom called linearity. The simplicity of this characterization crucially depends on the possibility to use as many limiting profiles as we like to delimit a category. This is not completely realistic and there is a need to study models in which the number of limiting profiles delimiting each category is restricted. This note starts such a study. We investigate the case of ELECTRE TRI-nB models based on unanimity and using no more than two limiting profiles per category. Our results show that the constraints on the number of limiting profiles make the problem difficult.

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