Quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence: Towards a new perspective in the analysis of silence in organizations

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Alexandre Asselineau et al., « Quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence: Towards a new perspective in the analysis of silence in organizations », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.1s4eoo


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While non-speech communication and “metaphorical” silence (in opposition to voice) have benefited from a considerable academic attention, less is known about quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence. We theorize these silences as potential catalysts of internal and collective reflection. Such silences can strongly impact individual and organizational processes and outcomes, notably in the workplace. The meaning, valence and effects of these silences are highly context- and perspective-dependent. By characterizing and studying these silences and their effects, we show how they are functional or dysfunctional to individuals or organizations. These silences can notably serve as emotion regulators and generate an environment favorable to individual and collective decision-making. Examining what is lost by individuals and organizations due to a lack of these silence and what can be gained with a better harnessing of their power is promising.

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