Operative tools for BIM in archaeology: libraries of archaeological parametric IFC objects

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Laura Carpentiero et al., « Operative tools for BIM in archaeology: libraries of archaeological parametric IFC objects », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10.19282/ac.34.1.2023.08


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Building Information Modeling is the most consolidated work method for engineering design of buildings and infrastructural works. It allows you to create a comprehensive database starting from a 3D model of a building. Its use in archaeology allows to test and transform a working method born for engineering design, in an operational support for archaeologists during and after the field phase. Our contribution focuses on the application of BIM to archaeological evidence. It presents the initial stages of a research project, whose aim is the definition of operational solutions for the creation of BIM models. To implement, on a scientific basis, the BIM methodology and make the modelling of archaeological structures easier, a model of semantic library, based on Pompeian archaeological evidence, has been created. The BIM archeological objects it contains can be reproduced and possibly modified for other projects. They represent a support to share on a large scale the representation in BIM. All Archaeological Library’s objects can be exported in the IFC format. This format can be opened and edited by all BIM software and worked on all OS; the export of archaeological objects in IFC format leads BIM closer to the FOSS world.

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