A systemic investigation of students’ views about proof in high school geometry: the official and shadow education systems in a school unit

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6 février 2019

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Andreas Moutsios-Rentzos et al., « A systemic investigation of students’ views about proof in high school geometry: the official and shadow education systems in a school unit », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.3gvgul


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In this paper, we discuss the views that the high school students of a school unit hold about proof in geometry. We consider the school unit as an open system that in Greece functions at the interaction of the official and the shadow education system. We mapped aspects of the institutional discourse that are visible to the students: the school teachers, the geometry textbook and the shadow education teachers. We focused on five different types of reasoning that may appear as a proving argument (acceptable or not): empirical, narrative, abductive, reductio ad absurdum, formal. The results of the mixed methods data collection and analysis revealed complex interactions of the two systems on the students’ views and on their mathematical identity construction.

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