Equine registration system and (non)use of horsemeat for human consumption: a survey in EU countries from EAAP Horse Commission

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30 août 2021

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Céline Vial et al., « Equine registration system and (non)use of horsemeat for human consumption: a survey in EU countries from EAAP Horse Commission », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.3i72i8


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The EAAP (European Federation of Animal Science) Horse Commission and the European Horse Network (EHN) have taken the initiative to explore the current equine registration system. The main problem is described by EU Regulation 2015/262 on the second page, point 5, of Introduction: ‘Investigations carried out by Member States have revealed that the identification document is the target of significant fraud. The main risk represents the illegal reintroduction into the food chain of equidae previously excluded from slaughter for human consumption and treated with medicinal products not authorized for food producing animals. Following the adoption of Commission Decision 2000/68/EC (1), thousands of equidae have been irreversibly excluded from slaughter for human consumption. The lack of alternatives to the life-long keeping of redundant and unwanted equidae, which have been excluded from slaughter for human consumption, has led to neglect and abandonment with serious animal health and welfare consequences. This situation has been exacerbated by the current economic situation, which, in many cases, makes the keeping of equidae at the end of their productive life unaffordable.‘ In order to understand the situation, a survey is being conducted in European countries among national or breeding organizations. It aims to determine the real situation in various national contexts and to collect ideas. In particular, it focuses on the influences of the equine registration system on the (non)use of horsemeat for human consumption. Among treated themes, we can quote slaughtering contexts, requirements for human consumption, other solutions for end of life, illegal practices in the country… The results will be used as arguments to help facilitate dialogue with the European parliament for improvement of EU regulation.

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