甘青一带语言借贷的历史层次及模式 The historical layers and borrowing patterns in Gansu-Qinghai languages En Fr

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Dan Xu, « The historical layers and borrowing patterns in Gansu-Qinghai languages », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.3sgobp


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Language contact will result in linguistic borrowing. It often begins with lexical borrowing and is then followed by syntactic borrowing. This paper attempts to examine the historical layers and patterns of borrowing. Compared to lexical borrowing, the historical layers and patterns of syntactic borrowing are more difficult to tease apart. When a syntactic phenomenon exists in a geographical area, is it an ancestral legacy or a joint innovation in a linguistic area? If some syntactic phenomena appear in different language families and different language groups, then the historical layers and patterns of borrowing deserve more investigation. We will explore the issues of these two levels (lexical and syntactic) through concrete examples. For lexical borrowing, we will study Dongxiang and Tangwang languages in Gansu Province. For syntactic borrowing, we will use the case study in the Gansu-Qinghai area.

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