On Shaky Ground: Petsas House and Destruction at Mycenae in LH IIIA2. Veröffentlichung der Mykenischen Kommission|Synchronizing the Destructions of the Mycenaean Palaces Mykenische Studien 36|

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15 décembre 2022

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« On Shaky Ground: Petsas House and Destruction at Mycenae in LH IIIA2. Veröffentlichung der Mykenischen Kommission|Synchronizing the Destructions of the Mycenaean Palaces Mykenische Studien 36| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.3t96pl


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This paper presents results of the Archaeological Society’s excavation (2000–2013) of the structure known as ‘Petsas House’ in Mycenae’s settlement The building complex, destroyed late in the LH IIIA2 period, was used for habitation, ceramic production and storage, and is one of the few examples, so far excavated, of multi-use space in a palatial settlement during this period of expansion and centralization In particular, this paper examines the nature of the destruction of Petsas House, and its immediate aftermath, along with a presentation of the extensive ceramic evidence for dating this event Based on this, evidence for destruction and rebuilding elsewhere at Mycenae during this period, including the palace, is critically detailed in order to define a possible destruction horizon at the site and investigate the potential impact on and historical implications for the center, its inhabitants, and their sociopolitical and economic trajectory

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