A typology of metacognition: Examining autonomy in a collective blog compiled in a teletandem environment

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Autonomy (Education)

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Daniela Nogueira de Moraes Garcia et al., « A typology of metacognition: Examining autonomy in a collective blog compiled in a teletandem environment », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.3z10az


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Learner autonomy has become a leading pedagogical paradigm in foreign language education. Within this context, learners are helped to (learn to) take responsibility for their learning. Given that more recent studies have highlighted the importance of the social dimensions of learner autonomy, we examine, on a qualitative basis, student logs within a collective blog completed during a teletandem experience between French and Australian universities in order to identify different types of metacognitive operations and to develop a descriptive typology.

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