The decisive role of the carbon storage potential in the deployment of the CCS option

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16 juin 2014

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Sandrine Selosse et al., « The decisive role of the carbon storage potential in the deployment of the CCS option », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.425dxe


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Over the past decade and while in May 2013 CO2 concentration in the atmosphere reached record high of 400 ppm, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has increasingly been dealt as a possible, not to say an expected, solution to achieve CO2 emissions mitigation objectives. Indeed, despite of persistent controversies, in terms of i) a significant and uncertain costs that this technology requires, ii) a too low level of investment and progress as regards a plausible large scale deployment of the technology but also of infrastructures (i.e. transport, shared platform, for example), iii) support of incentives by comparison with other options, as renewables, or iv) the risks of storage for environment and human health that question the social acceptability and the appropriate place of CCS within the portfolio of GHG abatement strategies, CCS technologies are still presented as a solution to reach ambitious climate target. Moreover, in the 2DS of IEA, CCS contributes for 22% of CO2 emissions reduction

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