STUDY OF THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND IN VITRE (35), APPROACH BY LAND COVER MODELING AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS. Étude de l’îlot de chaleur urbain à Vitré (35), approche par modélisation de l’occupation des sols et mesures de terrain. En Fr

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6 juillet 2022

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Urban heat island

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Heat island, Urban

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Marion Delidais et al., « Étude de l’îlot de chaleur urbain à Vitré (35), approche par modélisation de l’occupation des sols et mesures de terrain. », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.4mkvpg


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In the context of climate change, this study focuses on the potential for an urban heat island in the urban area of Vitré Communauté (Ille Et Vilaine 35) in 2021. The objective of this research is to analyze the extent and intensity of this phenomenon at the urban and intra urban scale in a small town of 20,000 inhabitants. For this study, the ICU was measured from a network of 26 sensors and 7 fixed weather stations continuously measuring air temperature. The UHI observed makes it possible to highlight an UHI of the order of 2°C on average in urbanized areas, with peaks that can exceed 4°C in situations favorable to UHI.

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