Psychometric validation of a 7C-model of antecedents of vaccine acceptance among healthcare workers, parents and adolescents in France

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Damien Oudin Doglioni et al., « Psychometric validation of a 7C-model of antecedents of vaccine acceptance among healthcare workers, parents and adolescents in France », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10.1038/s41598-023-46864-9


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Support for vaccine decision-making requires a tailored approach taking into account psychological antecedents of vaccine acceptance. We aimed at validating an extended 7C-model of antecedents in three different target population groups (healthcare workers [n = 3870], parents [n = 2002] and adolescents [n = 7118]) and two vaccinations (COVID-19, HPV) in France. We performed a secondary analysis of questionnaires collecting sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes and knowledge on vaccination, and vaccine status and intention. We used standard psychometric techniques to validate a first and second order latent structure, and evaluated their association with vaccine intentionality in three levels (refusal, indecision, acceptance). In all populations, the 7C-model yielded a very good model fit (CFI and TLI > 0.90) and, in comparison with non-nested and nested 5C-models, significantly improved the model performance (Ω 2 , p

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