Anxieties in modern society related to food and advertising. An exploratory study of the Danonino brand in a cross-cultural perspective.

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26 mars 2009

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Alexandre Coutant et al., « Anxieties in modern society related to food and advertising. An exploratory study of the Danonino brand in a cross-cultural perspective. », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.51q1ld


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Industrialisation of foods, the obesity pandemic and inadequate information available about food highlight the risks in modern food products. This explorative and qualitative paper creates a theoretical framework for understanding anxiety, food and advertising in the promotion of children's products and to explore how anxieties relating to children and food are dealt with in advertisements aimed at global markets. The analysis is based on a collection of 175 advertisements for the Danonino brand between 2001 and 2007 broadcast in six European countries. Results show that anxieties are at play in various ways in the "motherchild " relationship with regard to food, and that anxiety is enacted differently according to specific cultural backgrounds.

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