Feminist Resistance in Archaeology : the cases of France and Belgium

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21 avril 2021

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Archeology archeology

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Laura Mary et al., « Feminist Resistance in Archaeology : the cases of France and Belgium », HAL-SHS : études de genres, ID : 10670/1.5ryed1


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In the early 2000s, the American archaeologist Margaret Conkey asked: has feminism changed archaeology ? Twenty years later, it is clear that we are still waiting for a change in France and Belgium. As far as methodology and working conditions are concerned, feminist reflections remain largely ignored among French-speaking European archaeologists. Yet, our countries are not spared from systemic violence. Paye ta Truelle is a collective project created in 2017 that fights for equality and diversity in the world of Francophone archaeology. This effort is carried out on two fronts: the valorisation of studies related to gender archaeology and the call for awareness of discriminations (sexist, racist, classist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, ableist) with the aim of dismantling them. This project started from a Tumblr account collecting anonymous testimonies of sexism in archaeology. Today, we no longer limit ourselves to collecting and sharing testimonies but pursue a series of actions against discrimination both inside and outside the virtual world (Archaeo-Sexism exhibition, conferences, courses, seminars, podcasts, etc.). This paper aims to give an overview of the condition in France and Belgium and to present the various actions carried out within the framework of the project since its creation.

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