Analyse pragmasémantique des proverbes français et azerbaïdjanais

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Sabina Mahmudova, « Analyse pragmasémantique des proverbes français et azerbaïdjanais », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.6btsv0


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Proverbs have a communicative function and this function is inseparable part of proverbs. Its pragmatic function in the speech depends on the context which the proverbs are used in. Proverbs primarily play a role of warning in the first place. Referring to the proverbs in the speech depends on the extra-linguistic circumstances or the subject which proverbs hint at. Can we explain when and how proverbs were used? Only pragma-semantic analysis allow us to respond to this question.Proverb serves to strengthen the expressed opinion. Therefore, its main role is to give a moral and wise meaning to any subject. Proverbs do not carry any kind of information. They serve to complete or affirm the expressed idea based on its normative status. In this article, we will talk about the relation between directing, indicating and preferential forms of proverbs and positive and negative shades which proverbs contain.Applying a contrastive method, we will compare our mother tongue Azerbaijani with French. Analysing the proverbs taken from both languages, we will explore their pragma- semantic functions.

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