Environmental News Sentiment and Air Pollution in China

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9 septembre 2021

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Sébastien Marchand et al., « Environmental News Sentiment and Air Pollution in China », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.88uytg


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In 2013, the Chinese central government launched a war on air pollution. As a new and major source of information, the Internet plays an important role in diffusing environmental news sentiment and shaping people’s perceptions and emotions regarding the pollution. How could the government make use of the environmental news sentiment as an informal regulation of pollution? The paper investigates the causal relationship between environmental web news sentiment and air pollution. We combine the daily monitoring data of air pollution at different levels (cities, counties and industrial firms) with the GDELT database of news sentiment on air pollution from Chinese web news media. We find consistent, dynamic and causal impact of news sentiment on air pollution at city, county and firm levels.

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