A reflection on the metamorphosis of styles in the aesthetics of the European Mesolithic era :'The various styles of representation of the world of the European Mesolithic civilisation correspond to majorchanges, even major breaks, in the different technologies discovered by archaeological studies

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14 septembre 2010

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Florence Bouvry, « A reflection on the metamorphosis of styles in the aesthetics of the European Mesolithic era :'The various styles of representation of the world of the European Mesolithic civilisation correspond to majorchanges, even major breaks, in the different technologies discovered by archaeological studies », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.8bzvlp


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Throughout the European Mesolithic age - 'trapped' between the realistic representational style of the finalPalaeolithic age and the symbolic representational style of the Neolithic age - we can seemodifications/transformations in styles of representation.From the transitional phase of the Mesolithic onwards, we can observe three representational systems, which reflectmodifications of the ecological environment and are concomitants of (correspond to) three technological lithic'transformations/revolutions' (G. Marchand 1997).This quasi-simultaneity of changing 'styles' of representation - both emerging and disappearing - within the variouscultural units of the Mesolithic era, raises the question of whether a 'style' could be representative of a given period,suggesting the possibility of a 'History of Art'.

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