Patrimoine et développement dans les villes oasiennes de l'Emirat d'Abu Dhabi et du Rajasthan

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16 décembre 2013

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Philippe Cadène, « Patrimoine et développement dans les villes oasiennes de l'Emirat d'Abu Dhabi et du Rajasthan », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.8nk28l


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Though the cases of Al Ain and Liwa in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, as well as those of Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur in the State of Rajasthan (India), we will propose a model of economic development for the oasis. We shall demonstrate how these places, marginalised for a long period, get under way of rapid changes and better welfare, in link with not so distant metropolitan centres. Either in Al Ain or Liwa, Bikaner or Jaisalmer, the richness of the past, embodied in monuments, surviving though folk culture, still existing in traditional technologies, is used to build the present, with the development of tourism activities, educational institutions or innovating agriculture.

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