Human, more Human : Proust reincarnated

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Jean-Marc Quaranta, « Human, more Human : Proust reincarnated », HAL-SHS : littérature, ID : 10670/1.9boj2w


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A century after his death, it is time to reassess the figure of Proust as revealed by publications and research devoted to the author of A la recherche du temps perdu. After the structuralist groundswell that accompanied the rise of the writer's reception, Contre Sainte-Beuve appeared as a precursor text of this critical current that distinguishes the text from its author, to the point of having claimed the latter's death. The genetics of texts and, in general, the study and publication of the writer's drafts have initiated a humanisation of the figure of Proust, and this affects not only the person of the author but also his entourage, knowledge of which makes it possible to better understand both the man and the work.

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