From working on values to transforming social activities : how to update the principle of "by and for all"?

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Dominique Efros, « From working on values to transforming social activities : how to update the principle of "by and for all"? », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10670/1.9mi9qc


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Problems relating to the collective organisation of work and the occupational lives of employees working at firms in what has come to be known as “the social and solidarity-based economy” are nothing new. It is necessary for these firms to adopt a specific legal status to be able to function on “participative democracy” lines, but it is not sufficient. The following general question will be taken here as a starting-point: “How is it possible to involve employees in planning, organising and managing their own work to enable them to work differently?”To address this question, it is proposed to present a case study on a trade union establishment of a special kind, at which many social innovations have been introduced in terms of the conditions of work and the employees’ membership of the wage-earners’ community. As we will see, when employees are invited to participate in designing changes, standard methods of staff consultation do not suffice to incite them to express themselves: it is necessary to create a space where they can think about and discuss their problems and learn to voice their personal opinions.

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